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Cell Culture Technician Career Profile

Cell Culture / Process Technician

A role which looks after the more day-to-day tasks on the manufacturing floor. The technician will have expert knowledge of all particulars surrounding fermentation and ideal growing conditions / media etc. Comes up with ideas to improve processes together with team members.

Core Responsibilities

  • Provide technical support for cell culture or purification operations.
  • Support technical transfer of processes into the operations/manufacturing environment.
  • Partner with Engineering, Operations and Quality to troubleshoot processes and deliver on a continuous improvement agenda.
  • Build a deep technical expertise in the area of responsibility and develop strong data-driven decision-making processes.

Required Qualifications & Experience

  • A PhD, MSc or BSc in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology or a related discipline.
  • Minimum of 2 years industry-related experience in the Pharmaceutical or Biotechnology arena.
  • Strong working knowledge of cGMP (current good manufacturing practice)